The State Council issued the Metrology Development Plan (2021-2035) (I)-Jiankun corporation
2022-06-14 15:27:40

The State Council issued the Metrology Development Plan (2021-2035) (I)


Measurement is an activity to realize the unification of units and ensure the accuracy and reliability of values. It is an important foundation for scientific and technological innovation, industrial development, national defense construction and people's livelihood security, and an important support for building an integrated national strategic system and ability. This plan is formulated in order to implement the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Long-term Goals in 2035, further consolidate the measurement foundation, enhance the measurement ability and level, comprehensively start a new journey of measurement development, and promote high-quality economic and social development.

First,Background of Compilation

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade as the core, China's metrology has developed rapidly. A large number of basic, cutting-edge and common metrological scientific research achievements have emerged, 185 national measurement standards and more than 62,000 social public measurement standards have been established, the supply of reference materials has continued to grow, the traceability system of value transmission has been improved, and 1,779 internationally recognized calibration and measurement capabilities have reached the forefront of the world. China has become one of the eight countries in the world capable of participating in the control of international atomic time. With the continuous improvement of the measurement supervision system, the awareness of measurement in the whole society is increasing day by day, and the role of measurement in national economic and social development is more prominent.

In 2018, the basic units of the International System of Units will fully adopt the definition of physical constants, and the international measurement technical rules and patterns will be reconstructed, which will have a wide and far-reaching impact. With the rapid development of economy and society, The contradiction between the demand for accurate measurement and testing in various fields and the insufficient, unbalanced and incomplete measurement supply has become increasingly prominent. There are still gaps in the traceability of value transmission in some fields, key measurement and testing technologies need to be broken through, measurement supervision ideas and modes need to be further innovated, and measurement social co-governance needs to be strengthened urgently. Implementing the strategy of giving priority to the development of measurement, strengthening the basic research of measurement, strengthening the support of measurement application, and improving the overall measurement ability and level of the country have become the inevitable requirements for improving the national scientific and technological innovation ability and promoting high-quality economic and social development.

Second, the overall requirements

(one) the guiding ideology. Guided by Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and all previous plenary sessions, Focusing on promoting the overall layout of the "five in one" and coordinating and promoting the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, With the theme of promoting high-quality development, Coordinate development and security, Taking the major needs of the country as the traction, taking major technological breakthroughs as the main direction, fully mobilizing the resources and strength of all sectors of society, strengthening the design of the top-level measurement system, speeding up the construction of the national modern advanced measurement system, and providing strong measurement basic support and guarantee for leading scientific and technological progress and promoting high-quality economic and social development.

(two) Basic principles.

Adhere to innovation breakthrough and reform guidance. Facing the forefront of world science and technology and the major needs of the country, we will vigorously strengthen the innovation of metrological science and technology, increase the technical research on weak links in metrology in basic, frontier and application fields, and promote the collaborative innovation of metrological production, education and research. Explore the establishment of new measurement supervision modes and ideas, promote the reform of measurement system, and enhance the ability and level of measurement management.

Adhere to demand traction and supply improvement. Facing the main economic battlefield and major people's livelihood needs, focusing on the problems of insufficient, unbalanced and incomplete measurement supply, we should strengthen the construction of basic measurement capacity, strengthen the support of measurement services, enhance the independent controllable ability and level of measurement, cultivate new measurement formats, develop new measurement models, and form a new measurement development mechanism in which demand pulls supply and supply creates demand.

Adhere to government co-ordination and market drive. Highlight the position of measurement strategic resources, and strengthen the government's overall planning, strategic layout and overall promotion of measurement development. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, strengthen the dominant position of the market, cultivate high-tech service industries such as measurement calibration and testing, standardize various market measurement behaviors, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the market.

Adhere to collaborative integration and open sharing. Fully mobilize the resources and enthusiasm of all parties, focus on improving the coordination and promotion mechanism of measurement work with horizontal coordination and vertical penetration, and form a new pattern of measurement development with co-construction, co-governance and sharing by the whole society. Strengthen international exchanges, promote open cooperation, and promote the interconnection of measurement infrastructure.

(three) Development goals. By 2025, the national modern advanced measurement system will be initially established, and the innovation and influence of measurement science and technology will enter the forefront of the world, and some fields will reach the international leading level. The position and role of measurement in various fields of economy and society have become increasingly prominent, and the system and mechanism for promoting measurement work together have been further improved.

The level of metrological science and technology has been continuously improved. Strengthen the research on quantum metrology, flattening of value transfer and digital transformation technology of metrology, Establish a world-class new generation of national measurement benchmarks, Overcome a number of key measurement and testing technologies, Develop a number of metrological standard devices, instruments and reference materials with original achievements, build a number of national metrological science and technology innovation bases and advanced measurement laboratories, train and bring up a number of internationally influential metrological research teams and metrological experts, and ensure that the national calibration and measurement capability is at the world advanced level.

The ability to guarantee measurement services has been continuously enhanced. The basic support and guarantee role of measurement in major national strategies is more prominent, and the measurement and testing service capability basically covers important industrial development fields. In key areas such as strategic emerging industries and modern service industries, a number of national industrial measurement and testing centers have been established, a number of special measurement and testing equipment have been developed, and a number of special measurement and testing methods and standards have been formed. The high-quality development system of measurement services in various fields of economy and society has become increasingly perfect.

The measurement supervision and management system has been gradually improved. Promote the formulation and revision of the Metrology Law and supporting laws and regulations, and build a legal and regulatory system that adapts to the development of the times. Make full use of modern technologies such as big data, blockchain and artificial intelligence, explore the establishment of a new measurement supervision mode and system, and promote the transformation of supervision focus from managing instruments to the whole chain measurement supervision system of managing data, behaviors and results. The awareness of measurement traceability of all parties in society has been significantly enhanced, and the open and shared measurement coordinated development mechanism has been basically established and continuously improved.

Looking forward to 2035, the innovation level of national metrology science and technology has been greatly improved, major breakthroughs have been made in metrology technology in key areas, and its comprehensive strength ranks among the top in the world. Build a national modern advanced measurement system with quantum measurement as the core, first-class scientific and technological level, and meet the development needs of the times and the trend of international development.

     Third, strengthen basic research on measurement and promote innovation-driven development

  (four) Strengthen the research on measurement foundation and cutting-edge technology. Strengthen the original innovation of basic theory and core technology of metrology. Implement the "Quantum Weights and Measures" plan, focus on the quantum measurement technology based on quantum effects and physical constants, and the miniaturization technology of measurement benchmarks and standard devices, break through the quantum sensing and chip-level measurement standard technology, and form the core device development capability. Research on precision measurement technology in the fields of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new materials, new energy, advanced manufacturing and new generation information technology. Carry out theoretical research on measurement uncertainty, measurement procedure and effectiveness evaluation, measurement mechanism and effectiveness evaluation.

  (five) to carry out research on digital transformation of measurement. Promote the digital transformation of measurement, strengthen the construction of digital international system of units, and implement internationally recognized digital calibration certificates. Promote the integration, sharing and application of cross-industry and cross-domain measurement data, build a national measurement data center, strengthen the statistics, analysis and utilization of measurement data, and strengthen the traceability, credibility and security of measurement data. Cultivate a number of measurement data construction and application bases in the fields of life and health, equipment manufacturing, food safety, environmental monitoring, climate change, etc., and build a national standard reference database. Standardize the use of measurement data and promote the safe and orderly flow of measurement data.

  (Six) to carry out research on new traceability technology of value transmission. According to the measurement requirements of complex environment, real-time working environment and extreme environment, a new traceability method of value transmission is studied to solve the problem of accurate measurement of comprehensive parameters. Establish a highly adaptable value traceability system for flat scenes. Research on key technologies such as digital analog measurement, industrial IoT, cross-scale measurement and complex system comprehensive measurement. Strengthen the life cycle, systematic research and evaluation of national standard substances in preparation, value setting, preservation, traceability evaluation and new application mode of value transfer. Accelerate the research and application of intelligent and networked technologies for measurement benchmarks, measurement standards and reference materials.

  (seven) to strengthen the research of key common measurement technology. Accelerate the research on basic common measurement technologies such as calorimetry technology, digital analog measurement technology and working condition environmental monitoring technology. Strengthen the research on intelligent measurement and calibration technology, and carry out the research and application of key technologies such as functional safety evaluation of measurement software. Strengthen the research on new sensing technology with high precision, integration, miniaturization and intelligence, and overcome the core key components and technologies of high-end measuring and testing instruments and equipment. Establish a service platform conducive to measuring the transfer of new technologies and methods to industries.

  (Eight) to build a good ecology of metrological science and technology innovation. Strengthen the guiding role of state-level scientific research institutions, give play to the leading role of comprehensive and industrial scientific research institutes, build a number of high-level advanced metrological infrastructure, and build breakthrough, leading and platform-based advanced metrological testing laboratories. Give full play to the superior resources of enterprises, research institutes and universities, and establish a number of innovation bases of metrology science and technology. Increase the cooperation of measurement science and technology for production, education and research, promote the transformation and application of measurement scientific and technological achievements, and build a service system for the transformation of measurement scientific and technological achievements integrating measurement, quality, standards and intellectual property rights.

上一篇:The State Council issued the Metrology Development Plan (2021-2035) (II)