The State Council issued the Metrology Development Plan (2021-2035) (III)-Jiankun corporation
2022-06-14 15:37:53

The State Council issued the Metrology Development Plan (2021-2035) (III)


(Twenty-one) to speed up the construction of measurement technology institutions. Deepen the reform, innovation and development of metrological technical institutions, and optimize and integrate national metrological technical institutions, regional national metrological testing centers, local metrological technical institutions at all levels and professional metrological technical institutions of industry authorities. Vigorously promote the innovation and development of national metrology technology institutions, organize and carry out cutting-edge technical research on major measurement principles and methods, establish quantum measurement benchmarks and maintain international equivalence, provide first-class value traceability and measurement services, and support national scientific and technological innovation, industrial competitiveness promotion and economic and social development. Give full play to the autonomy of the provincial people's government and the competent departments of industry in the planning and construction of measurement infrastructure, and strengthen the construction of inclusive, basic and public welfare measurement infrastructure. Improve the ability and level of measurement technology institutions to serve the market, promote the formation of a number of professional service platforms, cultivate a number of professional, socialized and networked service institutions, and provide measurement and testing services for economic and social development and industry innovation.

(Twenty-two) to strengthen the construction of measurement talents. Relying on major scientific research projects and key construction platforms, we will intensify the training of academic leaders and focus on training high-level metrological leaders with the world's leading level of science and technology. Absorb and introduce international metrological talents, support the training of young scientific and technological talents, and build a group of metrological scientific and technological innovation teams. Implement the promotion of metrological professional and technical personnel, and build a metrological public education resource development, training platform and training base. Strengthen the identification of relevant vocational skill levels in the field of metrology, reform the management mode of registered metrologists' vocational qualifications, and promote the effective connection between registered metrologists' professional qualifications and engineering education professional certification, professional titles, vocational skill levels, vocational education credit banks and other systems. Encourage metrological technical institutions to set up innovative posts and establish employment systems for chief metrologists, chief engineers and chief researchers. Establish a metrological talent pool of international organizations and an expert team of international metrological cooperation, and support scientific and technical personnel to carry out multi-level international metrological exchanges and cooperation.

(Twenty-three) improve the enterprise measurement system. Guide enterprises to establish and improve the measurement management system and guarantee system suitable for their scientific research, production and operation, increase measurement investment, strengthen measurement science and technology innovation and personnel training, strengthen the management of industrial measurement process and measurement data, and encourage them to pass the measurement management system certification. Establish a self-declaration system for enterprise measurement ability, and carry out measurement benchmarking demonstration for industrial enterprises. Give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises and various measurement technical service institutions, implement the measurement partnership plan for small and medium-sized enterprises, and comprehensively enhance the measurement guarantee ability of small and medium-sized enterprises related to the industrial chain. Encourage all sectors of society to strengthen capital investment and support for the measurement development of enterprises, and improve the inclusive policy system to encourage enterprises to increase measurement investment. For newly purchased measuring instruments of enterprises that meet the relevant provisions of the state, they are allowed to be included in the current cost at one time and deducted when calculating taxable income.

(Twenty-four) to promote the coordinated development of regional measurement. Establish a regional metrological development coordination mechanism that is compatible with the national major regional development strategy, promote the construction of a collaborative platform for metrological services of the national major regional development strategy, and study and establish a collaborative application center for regional metrological data. Actively play the role of regional national metrology and testing centers, and improve the traceability system of regional value transmission. Strengthen regional cooperation in metrological science and technology innovation, carry out regional metrological comparison activities, and promote mutual recognition of regional metrological capabilities and results. Optimize the mutual assistance mechanism of regional metrology development, increase the guidance and assistance of metrology technology and the aid construction of metrology projects, narrow the gap of regional metrology development, and promote the coordinated development of regional metrology.

(Twenty-five) to support the integrated development of quality infrastructure. Actively play the synergy of national quality infrastructure such as measurement, standards, inspection and testing, certification and accreditation, and provide integrated quality basic support services for high-quality economic and social development. Promote the mutual reference and sharing of relevant technical specifications and standards in the fields of measurement and standards, inspection and testing, certification and accreditation, and promote the scientific verification of standard data and methods with accurate measurement. Strengthen the traceability requirements of measurement in the fields of inspection, testing, certification and accreditation. Deepen the innovation of national quality infrastructure collaborative service and application demonstration, and form a whole chain technical solution of "measurement-standard-inspection-certification and accreditation" in key areas.

(Twenty-six) to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in metrology. Deeply participate in the formulation of international metrological development strategies and plans, and actively participate in and lead the formulation and revision of international metrological rules and norms. Strengthen metrology exchanges and cooperation with major countries and regions in the world, establish and improve bilateral and multilateral exchange and cooperation mechanisms, and accelerate the process of mutual recognition of metrology. Strengthen metrological assistance and knowledge dissemination to countries and developing countries that jointly build the "the belt and road initiative", plan and implement a number of key metrological assistance projects, and help developing countries improve their metrological capabilities and levels. Actively participate in international metrological comparison, and steadily improve the internationally recognized metrological calibration and measurement capabilities. Actively promote the mutual recognition system of OIML certificates, continuously expand the scope of mutual recognition, and increase the designated laboratories of OIML certificates.

Sixth, strengthen measurement supervision and management, and improve the efficiency of measurement supervision 

(Twenty-seven) improve the measurement laws and regulations system. Learn from the experience of international advanced metrology legislation and promote the formulation and revision of metrology law and related supporting laws and regulations. Supplement and improve laws and regulations on measurement calibration, standard time, industrial measurement and measurement data, and promote the establishment and implementation of relevant regulatory systems. Dynamically adjust the catalogue of measuring instruments subject to compulsory management by the state, and improve the rules for formulating the catalogue of special measuring instruments for departments and industries. Strengthen the construction of national, departmental, industrial and local metrological technical committees, and establish and improve a metrological technical specification system with national metrological technical specifications as the main body and departmental, industrial and local metrological technical specifications as supplements. Establish a coordination mechanism for the construction of measurement technical specifications and measurement standards, and carry out the revision, implementation and effect evaluation of measurement technical specifications. Actively adopt international measurement standards to enhance the internationalization level of China's measurement technical standards.

(twenty-eight) to promote the reform of the measurement supervision system. Adhere to the combination of general supervision and key governance, and deepen the reform of measurement supervision system. Explore the establishment of a new supervision system combining real-time monitoring, misalignment replacement and supervision and spot check of intelligent measuring instruments. Promote comprehensive measurement evaluation of measuring instruments, measuring software and measuring systems. Improve the working mechanism and management mode of measurement comparison, and cultivate a number of national measurement comparison centers. Strengthen the construction of supervision system for reference materials. Actively promote the national legal units of measurement, and standardize the use of quantities and units. Promote the measurement and evaluation of the accuracy and reliability of basic research and scientific and technological research projects, and carry out the verification of the ability of value support for key laboratories, key projects and major national projects. Implement the main responsibility of measurement risk management and control of market entities, strengthen the awareness of measurement risk prevention, and deal with measurement emergencies quickly and effectively.

(twenty-nine) to strengthen the supervision and management of people's livelihood measurement. Implement metering projects to benefit the people, strengthen the construction of related metering infrastructure such as water supply, gas supply, heat supply, electricity, communication, public transportation, logistics and distribution, disaster prevention and avoidance, and enhance the metering support capacity of grassroots people's livelihood. Facing the areas of people's livelihood such as precision medicine, wearable devices, physical fitness and old-age care, we will improve the relevant measurement guarantee system and consolidate the measurement foundation of high-quality life. Focusing on the metrological supervision needs in the fields of food safety, trade settlement, medical and health care, ecological environment, etc., we will strengthen the capacity building of compulsory verification of measuring instruments. Continue to carry out special supervision and inspection of bazaars, gas stations, restaurants, shops and optical shops, and strengthen the measurement supervision of quantitatively packaged goods. Focusing on the implementation of rural revitalization strategy, we will strengthen the measurement guarantee of rural people's livelihood, increase the measurement supervision of agriculture-related materials, and promote the extension of measurement technical services to rural areas.

(Thirty) Innovative wisdom measurement supervision mode. Make full use of big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence and other technologies, explore the implementation of off-site supervision characterized by remote supervision, mobile supervision, early warning and prevention, and actively build a new intelligent measurement system through intelligent appliances and systematic data. Promote the new intelligent measurement supervision mode and establish an intelligent measurement supervision platform and database. Encourage metrological technical institutions to establish intelligent metrological management systems, promote the automation and digital transformation of equipment, and build intelligent metrological laboratories. Promote the concept of smart measurement, support the construction of industrial measurement cloud, promote enterprises to carry out intelligent upgrading of measurement and testing equipment, improve the level of quality control and smart management, and serve the construction of smart factories.

(thirty-one) to promote the classification supervision of credit measurement. Improve the credit measurement system, and establish a credit measurement management mode based on self-commitment of operators, supplemented by promotion of government departments and supplemented by supervision from all walks of life. In the fields of commerce and service industry, we will comprehensively carry out credit measurement actions, strengthen the main responsibility of market operators, promote the self-commitment of operators' credit measurement, and carry out credit measurement demonstration activities. Strengthen the construction of a credible service platform for social co-governance of credit measurement based on blockchain technology, and improve the information disclosure mechanism of credit measurement with credible data and transparent services. Establish the measurement credit records of market entities, promote the classification supervision of measurement credit, and implement the "double random and one open" supervision.

(thirty-two) to strengthen the construction of measurement law enforcement system. Strengthen cooperation in metrological law enforcement, establish and improve the rapid response mechanism and law enforcement linkage mechanism for investigating and dealing with major metrological illegal cases. Strengthen the research on prevention and control technology and investigation technology of measurement cheating, and severely investigate and deal with illegal acts of manufacturing, selling and using measuring instruments with cheating function. Standardize measurement service behavior, and severely crack down on illegal acts of forging measurement data and issuing false measurement certificates and reports. Strengthen the connection between measurement business supervision and comprehensive law enforcement, speed up information sharing, and improve law enforcement efficiency. Strengthen the construction of metrological law enforcement team and improve the level of metrological law enforcement equipment. Do a good job in connecting administrative law enforcement with criminal justice, and intensify the crackdown on illegal measurement activities. Units and individuals who report illegal measurement acts shall be rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

(thirty-three) to promote the healthy development of the measurement service market. Make full use of market resources and strength, attract all kinds of social organizations to participate in legal measurement, and build a new pattern of diversified and open legal measurement. Learn from the international mutual recognition system of calibration and measurement capability, and explore the establishment of China's calibration and measurement capability recognition system. Vigorously develop new formats of high-tech services such as metrology and calibration, metrology and testing, and industrial metrology, cultivate and expand the specialized metrology technology service market, and continuously meet the diversified and personalized needs of the market. Strengthen the measurement traceability requirements for instruments and equipment in use in laboratories affiliated to universities and research institutes and third-party inspection and testing institutions, and ensure the effectiveness of scientific research results and the credibility of test results.

VII. Safeguard Measures

(thirty-four) to strengthen organizational leadership. Adhere to the Party's overall leadership over metrology, and carry out the Party's leadership throughout the whole process of planning and implementation. Local people's governments at all levels should attach great importance to measurement work, effectively link the development of measurement with the implementation of national economic and social development plans, formulate specific implementation rules and requirements in light of the actual economic and social development, clarify the key points of measurement development, decompose and refine objectives and tasks, strengthen the implementation of work responsibilities, and ensure that all tasks are implemented. All relevant departments, industries and enterprises should take practical and effective measures to ensure the implementation of the planned tasks.

(thirty-five) to strengthen policy support. Local people's governments at all levels should support public welfare metrological technical institutions, Strengthen the capacity building of national strategic resources such as measurement infrastructure, measurement benchmarks, measurement standards, reference materials and measurement data, strengthen measurement supervision and grass-roots and basic capacity building, and ensure the development of national legal measurement supervision and the effective operation of the national traceability system for value transmission. The funds required for public welfare measurement work shall be included in the budget at the corresponding level according to regulations. Development and reform, science and technology, human resources and social security departments should work with market supervision departments to formulate corresponding investment, science and technology and talent security support policies. Strengthen the support for major scientific research projects in metrology and the supporting platform for innovation in metrology, and promote the research and development of metrology and the transformation and application of key scientific research projects and achievements. Encourage the use of diversified financing methods, broaden financing channels, and actively guide social funds to participate in measurement technology, equipment research and development and application services.

(thirty-six) to strengthen the construction of disciplines and culture. Strengthen the construction of metrology-related disciplines, support colleges and universities to independently set up metrology-related two disciplines, interdisciplinary and metrology-related majors, and promote the upgrading and digital transformation of metrology-related majors. Incorporate the basic knowledge of measurement into the cultivation system of citizens' basic scientific quality, increase the education content of basic knowledge of measurement in compulsory education, and carry out the construction and application of online education resources of measurement. Cultivate a number of high-level academic journals in the field of metrology to enhance the academic influence of metrology. Strengthen the construction of metrological culture, popular science propaganda and personnel training, cultivate metrological culture research and popular science bases, develop metrological culture industries, develop metrological popular science resources, and promote the construction and opening of metrological museums and science and technology exhibition halls. Actively cultivate and carry forward the metrological spirit in the new era, select advanced metrological models, and enhance the sense of honor and mission of metrological workers in the new era.

(thirty-seven) to strengthen coordination and linkage. Strengthen linkage and horizontal coordination from top to bottom, promote military-civilian coordination, and form a joint force to implement the plan. Give full play to the role of the national inter-ministerial joint conference system for metrology and the local coordination and promotion mechanism, and strive to build a large-scale metrology work pattern with unified coordination, efficient operation, resource sharing and pluralistic governance. Actively play the role of the National Committee of Experts on Metrology Strategy Advisory, extensively absorb high-level think tank talents, study trend and forward-looking major metrology issues, and do a good job in metrology decision support and consulting services. Give full play to the advantages and functions of societies, research institutes, universities and other units, gather resources and strength of all parties, and jointly promote the construction of national modern advanced measurement system.

(thirty-eight) pay close attention to the implementation of the work. Local people's governments at all levels, relevant departments, industries and enterprises should establish a responsibility system for the implementation of the plan, and supervise and inspect the implementation of the plan according to the division of responsibilities. The General Administration of Market Supervision, in conjunction with relevant departments, will strengthen the tracking and monitoring of the implementation of the plan, carry out the mid-term evaluation and summary evaluation of the implementation of the plan through third-party evaluation, summarize and popularize typical experiences and practices, find problems existing in the implementation of the plan and study solutions, and report important situations to the State Council in a timely manner. 

下一篇:The State Council issued the Metrology Development Plan (2021-2035) (II)