
Jiankun Waste Classification Weighing System

1. Divide and use: The purpose of classification is to divide and treat the waste, make use of the existing manufacturing capacity, recycle the recycled products, including material utilization and energy utilization, and landfill the useless garbage that can't be used temporarily.

2. Adjust measures to local conditions: the geography, economic development level, the ability of enterprises to recycle wastes, residents' sources, living habits, economic and psychological capacity of each district, society (district) and community are different.

3. Self-conscious autonomy: Communities and residents, including enterprises and institutions, gradually develop the code of conduct of "reduction, recycling, self-conscious, self-autonomy", innovate the garbage classification processing mode, and become the main force of garbage reduction, classification, recycling and utilization.

4. Subsidy for emission reduction: over-discharge punishment: setting the waste emission standards of units and residents, and subsidizing those below this emission standard; Those who exceed this emission standard will be punished. The more the emission reduction, the more subsidies, and the more the excess emissions, the heavier the punishment, so as to improve the enthusiasm of units and residents to implement source reduction and emission control.

5. Bundle service: pay attention to performance: when the residents have not acted voluntarily and consciously, and the resources of the neighborhood (village) committee and the government are insufficient, it is necessary for property management companies and other enterprises to intervene to promote classified emissions. However, it is difficult to make a profit only by undertaking classified emissions, and it is impossible for enterprises to intervene, and the implementation of bundled services can solve this problem. It can promote the classification and capitalization of garbage and ensure the reasonable profit of enterprises by bundling classified discharge services with garbage collection, transportation and dry and wet garbage disposal.